The Organic Arsenical Products Task Force (OAPTF), formerly known as the Monomethyl Arsenic Acid (MAA) Research Task Force, was formed in 1983, in response to a request for product registration data issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), for pesticide products containing the salts of MAA as active ingredients. In 2009, the MAA Research Task Force suspended its activities and reorganized as the OAPTF.
The OAPTF consists of two registrants of MSMA: Drexel Chemical Co., based in Memphis, Tennessee, and Luxembourg-Pamol, Inc., based in Houston, Texas. We are dedicated to the safe use and stewardship of MSMA products -- effective, cost efficient organic arsenical herbicides, which have selective herbicidal activity with very low weed resistance, and are therefore valuable to the user community.
Although membership in the OAPTF has changed several times since its establishment 20 years ago, the goals of the OAPTF have remained the same -- to generate a scientifically sound database that meets EPA registration requirements for pesticides that are based on methanearsonic acid (MAA). All OAPTF research is conducted by independent contract laboratories and researchers under EPA guidelines, using Good Laboratory Practice (GLP).
Organic Arsenical Products Task Force (OAPTF) · P.O. Box 33856 · Washington, D.C. · 20033-0856 · 1-877-221-2442
About This Site : The Organic Arsenical Products Task Force (OAPTF) appreciates your interest in learning more about our products and our activities. Please note that the information contained in this site is offered as a service of the OAPTF and is not intended to replace, alter, or supplement specific product labeling, warranties, claims, or related information pertinent to any member company’s products. Questions about a specific product should be directed to the manufacturer of that product.
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