Monosodium Salt of Methanearsonic Acid
MSMA has been providing reliable, cost-effective weed control, for over fifty years. The diversity of the uses to which MSMA products are applied is testament to the fact that these herbicides are unique in that they combine selectivity, low weed-resistance, and cost-efficiency.
NO RESISTANCE BUILD UP: Weed-resistance to herbicides is on the rise due to both the repeated use of the herbicides and the introduction of genetically modified crops. These crops are endowed with natural resistance to certain herbicides, a resistance which they may impart to non-crops through cross pollination. There are very few, if any, new products capable of economically combating the resistance problem. With the exception of isolated cases of common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium), no resistance build-up has occurred with the weeds that MSMA controls.
COST EFFECTIVE GRASS CONTROL: In lawn and turf, organic arsenicals are essential and have no equal for selective post-emergent annual grass control that includes efficacy on advanced stages of weed growth. Novel herbicides are substantially more expensive and less effective on advanced growth stage weeds, than the organic arsenicals. In addition, the rapid weed-control effects, demonstrated by MSMA products, provide more immediate customer satisfaction, eliminate the need for repeated applications, and last but not least save in costs.
CONTROL FOR COOL SEASON GRASSES: Our organic arsenicals also provide post-emergent selective annual grass and yellow nutsedge control, in cool season grasses. This is essential because these weed pests emerge during summer, when cool season turf is under stress and more vulnerable to competitive weed pressure. Further, MSMA and DSMA are the only effective treatments on morning glory and nutgrass.
MSMA is an effective and economic herbicide. Its selectivity makes it the number one choice for weed control. The OAPTF stands firmly behind MSMA products, and will continue to support and encourage use of our members’ MSMA products, as they are the most efficacious and safe herbicides available.
Organic Arsenical Products Task Force (OAPTF) · P.O. Box 33856 · Washington, D.C. · 20033-0856 · 1-800-890-3301
About This Site : The Organic Arsenical Products Task Force (OAPTF) appreciates your interest in learning more about our products and our activities. Please note that the information contained in this site is offered as a service of the OAPTF and is not intended to replace, alter, or supplement specific product labeling, warranties, claims, or related information pertinent to any member company’s products. Questions about a specific product should be directed to the manufacturer of that product.
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