In a September 14, 2012, letter to the Organic Arsenical Products Task Force (Task Force), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) confirms that under the terms of the 2009 agreement with EPA, the sale, distribution, and use of MSMA products labeled for golf course, sod farms, and highway rights-of-way will continue for at least three years. Regarding cotton -- the 2009 Agreement with EPA provides for unconditional re-registration for use of MSMA on cotton.
Under the terms of the agreement between EPA and the Task Force, EPA is required to provide to the Task Force a written determination regarding EPA’s review of certain scientific information submitted by the Task Force to EPA. EPA has indicated that its review of this information will occur after the risk assessment of inorganic arsenic is completed under the EPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) program. Additionally, Congress has directed that the IRIS assessment of inorganic arsenic be further peer reviewed by the National Academy of Sciences. These scientific processes and the peer review are expected to take a minimum of three years to complete.
The Federal Register notice that clarifies these conflicting provisions in the 2009 cancellation order, and allows continued use of those existing stocks of MSMA products labeled for the Group 3 uses beyond the December 31, 2013, deadline is available here.
Thank you for your support of our products, and the faith you have shown in our continued commercial relationship!!
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Changes in EPA Agreement on MSMA - October 2012
Monosodium Salt of Methanearsonic Acid
Organic Arsenical Products Task Force (OAPTF) · P.O. Box 33856 · Washington, D.C. · 20033-0856 · 1-877-221-2442
About This Site : The Organic Arsenical Products Task Force (OAPTF) appreciates your interest in learning more about our products and our activities. Please note that the information contained in this site is offered as a service of the OAPTF and is not intended to replace, alter, or supplement specific product labeling, warranties, claims, or related information pertinent to any member company’s products. Questions about a specific product should be directed to the manufacturer of that product.
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