MSMA Products Can Continue to be on the Market

As outlined in the March 27, 2013, Federal Register notice, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) confirms that the sale, distribution, and use of MSMA products labeled for golf courses, sod farms, and highway rights-of-way will continue.

OAPTF Members Remain Committed to MSMA Registration

OAPTF members continue to work with EPA in support of MSMA registration, including generation of data in response to the December 24, 2013, Data Call-In (DCI).  EPA will consider these data as part of the MSMA reregistration process, which is not expected to be completed until 2019.  The registration review of MSMA is a routine process required of all FIFRA registered products.

Organic Arsenical Products Task Force (OAPTF)  ·  P.O. Box 33856  ·  Washington, D.C.  ·  20033-0856  ·  1-800-890-3301


About This Site : The Organic Arsenical Products Task Force (OAPTF) appreciates your interest in learning more about our products and our activities. Please note that the information contained in this site is offered as a service of the OAPTF and is not intended to replace, alter, or supplement specific product labeling, warranties, claims, or related information pertinent to any member company’s products. Questions about a specific product should be directed to the manufacturer of that product.


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